Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Records

Opening of the States General - 你好吗?后天我会上英语音乐剧训练课程。
Prinsjesdag ( Prince's Day): - Medium shot of the royal carriage with cavalry men, closed carriage and the Golden Carriage moving past 54" (Golden Carriage 13" on screen), in the background: bluiding with two wings in a semi-circle and a domed entrance in the middle; - high overall shot 1'09" of the Binnenhof and in the background the Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall): arrival of the royal procession; - medium shot of a part of the Golden Carriage, lackey, soldier, banner (blocks the view of the queen getting off); - high medium shot of the Golden Carriage changing into a pan iof the departure in front of the entrance of the Ridderzaal 56"; -high medium shot of the Golden Carriage, at the departure of the Binnenhof 9".